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Individuality matters. But so does the team.
We know that, when applying to Taxdoo, you’d want to know you’re joining the right crowd: one where you can feel at home every step of the way. Here are some details.
I like the culture, how diverse the team is, and how highly transparency and honesty are valued here. Everyone is approachable no matter the level they are in the company - these things create this very special atmosphere that lets you not only contribute to the company's growth but makes you grow yourself.
Felicitas Lotfi, Head of Sales Operations
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Did you know that we receive 11 million bits of information every second, but the executive, thinking centers of our brain can effectively process only 40 bits of information? Shawn [...]
Mental health at work: it’s a topic we’re used to hearing about. But how can we actually make space in our working lives to promote our mental wellbeing? What risks [...]
We at Taxdoo use an array of testing techniques: unit tests, integration tests, end-2-end tests, contract testing, browser-based tests, tests against Docker environments as well as tests against real AWS [...]
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