Today is World Youth Skills Day so we want to celebrate young people’s access to training and career opportunities by providing some inspiration for anyone interested in working in tech.
We asked our developers, product managers and even our CEO about the resources that sparked their interest in tech and helped to hone their skills; here are their recommendations.
Practise this
If you have 30 minutes a day, try completing a few exercises on FreeCodeCamp. This is a great way to learn to code in bitesize amounts of time.
Try this
A good starting point are the Hello World courses on Codecademy, which helps with learning tooling set-up and understanding how things work in that language. You can also test your knowledge by modifying the code and adding other statements.
Get stuck into this
A slightly more advanced course for learning frontend development is ToDoMVC, which also has a lot of other examples for each tech stack.
Build this
Learning by doing is the best method which this C# Unity Game 3D course from definitely will help you to do so.
Read this
Clean Code is the classic book written by Uncle Bob, otherwise known as Robert Cecil Martin, who epitomizes the concept of clean code. From a product perspective, check out Lean Product Playbook.
Watch this
Silicon Valley (HBO)
our co-founder, Matthias Allmendinger, recommends this series as it sparked the entrepreneurial spirit that brought Taxdoo to life.
Eat this
Sushi. Ok, just kidding. Although our developers do love a good Bento box, feel free to pick your favourite brain food for learning to code. Happy hacking doesn’t happen on an empty stomach!
We hope this list was helpful! It is, of course, by no means complete- what else would you recommend for budding developers