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A Day in the Life

To Blog or Not to Blog

That is the question. But when it comes to answers, we got you covered. Read through our latest blog updates below.

Developing Resilience – A Toolkit Based on Real Life Scenarios

Did you know that we receive 11 million bits of information every second, but the executive, thinking centers of our brain can effectively process only 40 bits of information? Shawn [...]

Move in the Right Direction: Top Tips for Tech Professionals on World Mental Health Day 2024

Mental health at work: it’s a topic we’re used to hearing about. But how can we actually make space in our working lives to promote our mental wellbeing? What risks [...]

Cypress Best Practices & Troubleshooting

We at Taxdoo use an array of testing techniques: unit tests, integration tests, end-2-end tests, contract testing, browser-based tests, tests against Docker environments as well as tests against real AWS [...]

Your Opinion Matters.

Creating the Financial Operating System for e-commerce might be an arduous task, but we know that we can only do it with your feedback.

Taxdoo engages not only in their core business of becoming the leading financial operating system, but also in the development of their employees. The culture is open, diverse and super collaborative. Communication is already on a very good level, as well as transparency is.

April 2022

Office dogs are allowed The founders listen and take feedback and constructive criticism seriously. Conversations are all always on an equal footing

September 2021

You can feel from the very first day it is a people orientated company which is carrying on the people a lot, provides more and more benefits and has on top of that a very demanded product and great opportunities to grow & develop further.

February 2022